WordPress and CMS Sites

CMS: Content Management System Web Sites Allow You to Make Changes When You Want.

Making your site do more than just look great.

Server-side web site development is the task of enhancing your overall business mission, to provide information on products and services, to track customers, to reduce operating costs, and to develop long lasting customer/client relationships. This is done as you, the web site owner or administrator see's a need for change. You log into a secure area, make changes on a form processing page, and once submitted, these changes appear on the viewable area of your site. The term used today for this is CMS or Content Management Systems. TecTao Designs offers extensive Internet development strategies and solutions. With our background we create dynamic web application utilizing LAMP (and acronym for Linux, Apache servers, MySQL and PHP) Coldfusion and ASP. All of this goes hand in had with database integration, setting up ODBC or OEL connections, testing submit pages and query pages, and setting security levels for user interfaces. Web site design and development is two separate and distinct disciplines which go hand in hand. Web design is the look and feel of your site. The Branding of your name and product or service. The concept you are trying to get across when a visitor first reaches your site and their first impression of what they see. Web site development is the use of programming tools to gather information or display dynamic information. Whether it is collecting e-mail addresses for future mailings, or more complicated database integration utilizing PHP, Coldfusion or ASP, site development is the architecture that brings it all together.

Web Site Development and Time Line:

  • Discuss the sites mission and objective
  • Determine server platform. LAMP development in most cases should be hosted on Unix servers while Coldfusion and ASP can only function on Microsoft™ servers.
  • Layout the structure of the site, navigation and pages
  • Edit page content
  • Determine back end usage, database structure, data mining
  • Review site design, style and look
  • Bring it all together

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